Rolling Dynamic Compaction

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Leading Rolling Dynamic Compaction services across the UK

Explore our Rolling Dynamic Compaction services

EnviroTrac specialises in Rolling Dynamic Compaction as a cost-effective form of in-situ ground improvement which helps:

  • Enhances weak, marginal soils in-situ
  • Improves shear strength and weight-bearing capacity of the soil
  • Highlights potential soft spots in sub-grades
  • Allows placement of thicker fill layers
  • Minimises long-term settlement

Rolling Dynamic Compaction

The Broons Impact Roller (a single square 4 sided drum roller) is pulled by a suitable tractor at 12km/hr which is found to be the optimum speed. The rolling dynamic compaction of the area will locate soft spots and compact any underlying rocky ground to a maximum depth of up to 4m.

Upon completion of the RDC, the area will be levelled off by back-blading and rolling it with a smooth drummed self-propelled roller. This area can be surveyed and monitored to check for the amount of settlement achieved with both on site engineering and our digital Bomap system.

Get in touch

Interested in our Rolling Dynamic Compaction services?

Call us on 01623 750002 or enquire online and we'll get back to you as soon as possible


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